Friday, June 7, 2013

2 Social Media

The article “Teens, Social Media, and Privacy”, shares information from a survey given to 802 teens that honed in on how teenagers are using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to share information about themselves and how they regulate their own privacy. The percentage of teens sharing personal information has increased drastically in five different types of personal information since 2006. Through these media sites, teenagers have the ability to post their location and share videos of themselves on Facebook and Twitter. The article states that most teens keep their Facebook profile private (>60%) and more than 50 percent of teens express a high level of confidence in managing their Facebook privacy settings. The survey also concluded that teen social media users do not express a high level of concern about third party access to their profiles or advertisers seeing their information. Yet, parents were more concerned about their children’s protection against advertisers. The articles highlight many key findings on teens and their experience using social media and how they regulate their confidentiality.

In my opinion, the survey and article did not cover the information and details that convey the real scoop on teens and their use of social media sites. These sites rule over most teens lives to where actual conversation is passé.  Whatever happened to meaningful phone calls and letter writing. Everything is so convenient as to picking up the phone and sending a message through Facebook.  Kids post everything these days; even down to what they are eating and drinking. What happened to mystery? This article did not convey the real issue with social media sites. Sure they are being used much more these days; that’s a given.    

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