Monday, June 3, 2013


Hello! My name is Virginia Blanchet. I am 24 years old and a Senior at USM. I was raised in Picayune, MS. I will graduate in December of this year. Yay! IT 365 is the only class I am taking this summer, and then I will student teach in the fall. I am looking forward to student teaching and getting to know more about myself as an educator. I have many hobbies. I enjoy working out, biking, running, cooking, eating, and being outside. I love the water, the beach, and vacationing in Florida. I am currently working as a cocktail waitress at Chesterfield's, a family restaurant/bar. I am so looking forward to ending that chapter of my life and starting a new chapter with a teaching job. This is just a little information about me. I hope you enjoyed it. Bye!

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