Thursday, June 13, 2013

4- Kindergartners and iPads?

“Giving iPads to Kindergartners” is an informational article discussing the advantages of kindergartners and even toddlers using technologies such as computers, smartboards and iPads. Reports from schools using these technologies say that iPads make learning fun and more engaging, and they also stimulate kindergartners’ mental growth. Most of these apps created for children of this age are created for parents and teachers to monitor student progress and see growth. The article also points out that not all apps and games are beneficial; parents must carefully evaluate apps and games to be chosen, and monitor and control their child’s usage. It is advised that pre-k and kindergarten children use technology with an adult or older sibling so that monitoring of the child’s learning and mood occurs. What would be the purpose of a fun educational game if there is no learning or comprehension taking place? The iPad is meant to be a productive use of technology when being used by kindergartners. Cyber bullying is a concern that needs to be acknowledged by parents who allow their child to use these types of technology. Parents and teachers need to discuss what cyber bullying is with the children, explain why it’s wrong, how to avoid it, and explain what a child should do if cyber bullied.

This article was really interesting to me because I did not realize the benefits of these technologies. I do not use much technology other than my cell phone and computer for school work, so it amazes me when I read that a kindergartner can learn and mentally grow through the use of educational apps and games on the iPad. When I become a parent, I am going to do whatever I can to give my child the richest education possible. Technology is a huge part of a rich education and technology can only improve. I think this is a good article to read for parents and teachers who need a little inspiration for their youngsters. There are three apps that were discussed in the article that would be a good start for the use of the iPad in the classroom and as a home trial. 

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