Friday, June 7, 2013

3 Bitcoin

The article, “Will Bitcoin change how kids learn to count?” by Nicole Smith, introduces the concerns about the future of digital money, Bitcoin, and its effects on teaching kids how to count and learn math. My understanding of this article is that there are concerns about educating future students on how to count or do math if there is no coin currency. If Bitcoin is the money of the future, then there needs to be an introduction of both coin currency to teach the history of the money, the concept of money, and how to count money, and then also the experimentation with technologies like littleBit, Sifteo cubes, and digital tools. Experimentation with these technologies can lead to preparation for the future Bitcoin.

Call me old fashion, but I happen to like the dollar bill. I like collecting coins in a jar to save up for gifts and maybe a little extra spending money when you really need it. Why is everything being moved to digital these days? Technology is not always reliable. I agree with the concerns of this article. Counting coins and understanding the value of each coin is hugely apart of math concepts and skills in the primary levels of school.  It’s a concrete object that children can manipulate that has meaning and value. Why substitute this resource with a Bitcoin? 

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