Sunday, July 14, 2013

14 Secrets of Top Students

The article “Secrets of Top Students” is really a small glimpse of the book Secrets of Top Students: Tips, Tools and Techniques for Acing High School and College. Both were written by Stephanie Weisman who surveyed 45 other outstanding students (all at the collegiate level or higher) on their habits and practices to become a successful student. She found that success for most students came from self determination and hard work, pressure on self to do well, and a desire to learn. To gain success these students studied 20 or more hours a week, sacrificed hanging out with their friends to get that extra school work in, and had support from their families to do well without feeling pressured. A study strategy that was found to be most important to this group of students was to start early and space the work out. The purpose of this article was to describe that being smart and a good student isn't a natural born ability; it’s something that is acquired through hard work, dedication, determination and the drive to do well.

This article really hits home for me because I am one of those students who has to work hard for my grades. I have to actually read the book and take notes, then rewrite my notes in my own words to fully grasp the information. In fact, that is the only way I made it through Anatomy and Physiology and through the nutrition program with As and Bs. I believe that the desire does have to be there to be a good student because you are the only person who can hold yourself accountable when it comes to making the grades. In college, there is no one to hold your hand, make you study, or do your homework. You have to make sacrifices and have drive and determination to be a successful student. Though I do agree, some students do have a natural knack at being a top notch student, but they also seem to be determined students. 

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