Monday, July 1, 2013

11- Ali Carr-Chellman- Gaming to reengage boys in learning.

Ali Carr-Chellman passionately discusses that typical boys' culture is not working well in schools. She describes three reasons why she believes boys are out of sync with the culture of schools today. One is due to the Zero Tolerance Policy. Under this policy students are not able to rough house, or play with plastic weapons, water guns. Secondly boys are not able to express themselves as boys through writing. They pretty much have to write exactly what the teacher tells them too. Last, there are beginning to be fewer and fewer male teachers. For boys to succeed in school, Ali feels that we need to put ourselves into the boy culture, change the mind set of acceptance, design better educational games for boys, decompress the school curriculum, and look at teachers attitudes about gaming.

I agree with Ms. Ali Carr-Chellman in that schools of today do hinder boys from being boys. From the statistics she described at the beginning of her video, the evidence is clear that something has to be done to change the pace of males who are expelled from school, who are diagnosed with ADHD, and who are referred to special education. We cannot expect boys to act like girls, or listen like girls. If gaming in schools will enhance the success of males in education,  then we need to just go with it.

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